Cyber Awareness Training

A well trained and engaged workforce can be your greatest protection against cyber security threats.

Our cyber awareness training helps your people identify and deal with cyberattacks. They will learn the importance of vigilance and stay up to date with the latest threats.

Understand the threats

Cybersecurity incidents take many forms. They can include phishing emails, downloading malicious programs, lost devices, emailing the wrong person or deliberate data breaches.

Our cyber awareness training explains the type of threats your organisation might be exposed to and how to recognise them. Trainees are encouraged to ask questions and share concerns, which gives us the opportunity to correct any misconceptions. We also discuss the regulatory and financial implications should there be a successful attack.

Minimise the risk

The key to creating a human “first line of defence” for your organisation is to ensure your people know how to deal with cyberthreats. In some cases this might require a significant change in behaviour.

Through our training they will learn what to do should they receive a suspicious email, hoax phone call or unusual social media request. We will give them all the knowledge and practical advice they need to spot the risks and deal with them appropriately.

We’ll also explore how other organisations have been fooled in the past and consider the very latest methods cyber criminals are employin

Delivering your training

Our cyber awareness training will be arranged to suit your requirements. We can run bespoke training sessions for your company, or you can send representatives to one of our regular group training sessions.

The training can be delivered online, at your premises or at an alternative venue.

Everyone in your business should undertake cyber awareness training at least once. Ideally, we recommend ‘top up’ training every six months to refresh their learning and provide new advice on the latest threats.

Linda Larter

Chief Executive

“Over the years of working with Heliocentrix we have seen enormous improvements to our systems, security and how easily we can get help when it’s needed.”

Your questions answered

In the Information Commissioner’s Office guide to the GDPR it states “You should aim to build a culture of security awareness within your organisation.”.

Our cyber awareness training will ensure that all members of your organisation, including those with data processing responsibilities, are aware of the potential threats and how to mitigate them.

As part of our security services we can help you to assess your current security set up and recommend areas for improvement. Find out more about this.

When we deliver your cyber awareness training we can tailor it to reference the particular security functions you have in place.

Cyber Essentials is a government backed scheme to help organisations implement best practice security solutions.

Cyber Essentials assesses the organisation as a whole, whereas cyber awareness training is aimed at each individual in the organisation, focusing on changing behaviours to protect your business from cyberattacks.

How we work

Our flexible approach makes it easy to find the right support for your organisation.


Managed IT

For organisations that need an IT support partner to help them achieve their immediate and long-term ambitions.

Pay as You Go

For businesses that need one-off system implementations or problems fixed.


Arrange a 15 minute call to discover how IT could work harder for your organisation.