IT System Consolidation and Efficiencies for Hyde Park Investment, London

How this capital raising firm and investment consultancy opted to simplify their systems, reduce costs and improve their IT support.

The client

Founded in 2004, Hyde Park Investment provides capital raising and strategic consultancy services for European investment managers.

They have offices in London and a team of financial services experts working remotely across Europe.

The challenge

When we started working with Hyde Park Investment they were hampered by expensive and inflexible systems, and inadequate support services.

One of their key requirements was to improve their email archiving process.

To meet their industry’s stringent compliance requirements, it was essential that email data be archived securely for 7 years. However, their archiving system was inflexible and required a secondary backup solution. To compound issues, the cost of extracting the emails from the existing solution was prohibitively high.

How we helped

Hyde Park Investment were already using Microsoft 365, although not to its fullest extent. Therefore, we selected an archiving system which would integrate with Microsoft 365, providing highly secure cloud-based storage.

We introduced Hyde Park Investment to additional facilities in Microsoft 365 which they weren’t already using. This included the compliance facilities which are automatically built into the service, plus how to use M365 to easily search and restore from their new email archive.

In addition, we reviewed all their software licences, saving them £100s each month.

It was decided to continue running the legacy email archiving system in parallel to the new one, since we assessed it to be sufficiently secure – and it was cheaper to keep it running than extract the emails. After 7 years they will finally be able to decommission it.

The result

By consolidating their previously disparate systems and reviewing licensing arrangements, we have provided Hyde Park Investment with significant cost savings.

They now have systems which they can be confident in, with effective support when required.

But you can never sit back in the ever-changing world of technology, so we are currently in the process of switching to a new cloud backup solution. This will provide Hyde Park Investment with further consolidation of their systems and additional cost savings.

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Hyde Park Investment
“Working with Heliocentrix has given us considerable cost efficiencies. We are now confident that our technology and IT security will grow and evolve with our business, and that expert advice is on hand whenever we need it. “


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